⚙️Config File

Config                   = {}

Config.Locale                = 'en'           -- Language.
Config.SpeedMetric           = true           -- True = MPH, False = KPH.

Config.Install_method        = "outside"      -- inside/outside Install Nitrous While Inside or outside vehicle!
Config.InstallNitrousTime         = 1000      -- Time Required to install Nitrous using Item [1000 = 1sec].
Config.SpeedLimit_to_install_Nitro = 0        -- Set Speed of Vehicle  to install Nitrous [0 = Vehicle should be at Speed 0 or anyother speed].

Config.Inventory         = "qb-inventory" -- Supported : ox_inventory, qb-inventory, ps-inventory, qs-inventory
Config.Target            = "qb-target"    -- Supported : ox_target, qb-target
Config.Menu              = "qb-menu"      -- Supported : qb-menu, oxlib

Config.Nitros_Locations  = {
    -- Default Bennys MotorSports 1
    ["Bennys_1"] = {
        coords = vector3(-226.74, -1319.78, 30.47), -- Nitro Station Coords
        UseJob = true,                              -- Add the UseJob option
        Jobs = { "mechanic" },                      -- Allowed Jobs to use this station (Set Jobs = nil, for Everyone use.)
        radius = 2.0                                -- Radius of the Zone
    -- Default Bennys MotorSports 2
    ["Bennys_2"] = {
        coords = vector3(-198.42, -1320.73, 31.09),
        UseJob = true,
        Jobs = { "mechanic" },
        radius = 2.0
    ["los_santos_1"] = {
        coords = vector3(107.024185, 6624.962402, 31.773682),
        UseJob = true,
        Jobs = { "mechanic" },
        radius = 2.0
    -- Add More Nitrous Station Lcoations

Config.Nitrous_Refill    = {
    Keys = { 'w', 'a', 's', 'd' },              -- Keys for the skill check
    Sequence = {
        'easy',                                 -- Difficulty: 'easy' or 'medium' or 'hard'
        'easy',                                 -- Difficulty: 'easy' or 'medium' or 'hard'
        { areaSize = 20, speedMultiplier = 1 }, -- easy' - { areaSize: 50, speedMultiplier: 1 } 'medium' - { areaSize: 40, speedMultiplier: 1.5 } 'hard' - { areaSize: 25, speedMultiplier: 1.75 }
        'easy',                                 -- Difficulty: 'easy' or 'medium' or 'hard'
Config.Nitrous_Craft     = {
    Keys = { 'w', 'a', 's', 'd' },              -- Keys for the skill check
    Sequence = {
        'easy',                                 -- Difficulty: 'easy' or 'medium' or 'hard'
        'easy',                                 -- Difficulty: 'easy' or 'medium' or 'hard'
        { areaSize = 20, speedMultiplier = 1 }, -- easy' - { areaSize: 50, speedMultiplier: 1 } 'medium' - { areaSize: 40, speedMultiplier: 1.5 } 'hard' - { areaSize: 25, speedMultiplier: 1.75 }
        'easy',                                 -- Difficulty: 'easy' or 'medium' or 'hard'

Config.RefillCost        = 1000           -- Cost to Refill Empty Nitrous Bottle.
Config.RefillTime        = 5000           -- Time to refill the nitrous after the minigame
Config.CraftTime         = 5000           -- Time required to craft a NOS bottle

Config.NitroItem         = "nitrous"      -- Item for installing nitro.
Config.EmptyNitrosItem   = "emptynitrous" -- Item when Nitro is finished. [Must be in your inventory images].

Config.Craft_Item        = "iron"         -- Item needed to Craft Nitrous Bottle.
Config.Craft_Item_Needed = 5              -- Number of Items Needed to Craft Nitrous Bottle.

Config.Mode = "LSHIFT"                -- Cycle through Nitro and Purge Mode. [Currently Set to LEFT SHIFT].
Config.ActivationKey = "LCONTROL"     -- Key to Acticate Nitro or Purge      [Currently Set to LEFT CTRL].
Config.IncreaseLevel = "PAGEUP"       -- Incrase FlowRate Level              [Currently Set to PAGE UP].
Config.DecreaseLevel = "PAGEDOWN"     -- Decrease FlowRate Level             [Currently Set to PAGE DOWN].

Config.SoundFile = 'beep-sound-1'     -- Sound For Mode Change.
Config.SoundFileFlowRate = 'elecbuzz' -- Sound For FlowRate Change.

Config.SoundOnSwitch = true           -- Play Sound on Mode Switch.
Config.SoundOnFlowRate = true         -- Play Sound on FlowRate Switch.

Config.AccelerationBoost = 3.0        -- Acceleration Speed when using Nitrous.
Config.NitroBoost = 5.0               -- Nitrous Power when using Nitrous.
Config.NitroDrain = 0.8               -- Nitrous drains rate.
Config.PurgeDrain = 0.8               -- Purge drains rate.

Config.OnlyAcceleration = false       -- True = Only AccelerationBoost will Work, False = Both Top Speed and Acceleration Will Work.
Config.PressedWait = 2000             -- Waiting interval for Button Pressed [1000 is 1sec].
Config.TopSpeed = 500                 -- This will be top speed when using nitro.
Config.Cooldown = 1000                -- CoolDown between using Nitro [1000 = 1sec].
Config.NitrousProgressBarTime = 2000  -- Time Required to install Nitrous using Item [1000 = 1sec].

Config.Debug = false                  -- For Debuging Purpose. [Default set to false]

Last updated