💻Installation Guide

Important Steps !

  • Start your scripts after [qb], not inside it, to prevent any dependencies or server load issues.

  • Create a separate folder named[tuff]within the resources folder.

  • Ensure[tuff]starts after all other scripts to have necessary components loaded.

# QBCore & Extra stuff
ensure qb-core
ensure [qb]
ensure [standalone]
ensure [voice]
ensure [defaultmaps]
ensure [vehicles]

#Tuff Scripts
ensure [tuff] -- Start my Scripts in a Folder like this !

Follow these instructions carefully for complete and accurate installation !

  • Download the Script From your Keymaster and put the script folder in [tuff] folder.

  • Add the following code to your server.cfg at the Bottom.

ensure [tuff]
  • Run the SQL file. ( According to your Framework )

SQL Code Installation !

-- QBCore SQL File
ALTER TABLE player_vehicles ADD COLUMN `stance_value` longtext DEFAULT NULL;

Stance Triggers Installation !

To apply the stance settings when taking vehicle out of any garage (Public, Private, Job Based ) follow these instructions !

You will need to add triggers according to the framework core events you are using !

Last updated