Config File
------- Core CONFIG
Config = {}
Menu = {}
Config.Core = {
gettingObjectName = "GetCoreObject", -- the event name / export name for getting the core object.
core_resource_name = "qb-core" -- the core resource name.
Config.Locale = 'en' -- Language.
Config.SharedVehicleStancer = false -- Only set this to [true] if you are using Nopixel Garages to Fetch stance values from shared_vehicles table !
------- Webhooks Logs
Config.EnableWebhooks = false
Config.Webhooks = {
WebhookURL = '', -- Make Sure You Put Your Webhook Here
HeaderImageURL = 'YOUR_IMAGE_LINK', -- If you Want Image Header For The Logs insert The URL
LogHeader = 'QBCore WheelStancer Log', -- What Will be the Header Of Your logs
SubHeading = 'Player Info Who Used Stancer',
EmbedColor = 'red', -- Choose from qb-wheelstance/server/sv-whebhook.lua
-- Menu Text Customization
Menu.heading = "6STR Tuner Shop"
Menu.subheading = "Adjust Wheel Stance"
-- SubMenu Text Customization
Menu.AllWheelsWidth = "All Wheels Width"
Menu.AllWheelsSize = "All Wheels Size"
Menu.SuspensionHeight = "Suspension Height"
Menu.WheelFrontLeftOffset = "Wheel Front Left Offset"
Menu.WheelFrontRightOffset = "Wheel Front Right Offset"
Menu.WheelRearLeftOffset = "Wheel Rear Left Offset"
Menu.WheelRearRightOffset = "Wheel Rear Right Offset"
Menu.WheelFrontLeftCamber = "Wheel Front Left Camber"
Menu.WheelFrontRightCamber = "Wheel Front Right Camber"
Menu.WheelRearLeftCamber = "Wheel Rear Left Camber"
Menu.WheelRearRightCamber = "Wheel Rear Right Camber"
-- Exit Menu Text Customization
Menu.exitConfirmation = "Confirm Exit"
Menu.HeadingSaveChanges = "Save Changes?"
Menu.GoBack = "Go Back"
Menu.SubHeadingSaveChanges = "Save Changes"
-- Marker Customization
Config.QB_DrawText = true -- true/false to Use QB Drawtext rather than 3D Text
Config.Drawmarker = true -- true/false to View or Hide the Marker
Config.Draw3DText = false -- true/false to View or Hide the 3D Text
Config.MarkerText = "[E]- To Open Stance Menu"
Config.SetTextFont = 4 -- Ranges from 0 to 7
Config.MarkerType = 20 -- Vsist this Site to Change Marker Types []
-- Visit this site to Get your Color Red,Green,Blue,Alpha Values [] = 255 -- Red Color = 255 -- Green Color = 252 -- Blue Color
Config.alpha = 0.8 -- Alpha Color
Config.MarkerUpAndDown = true -- Marker Up and Down Animation
Config.MarkerRotate = true -- Marker Rotation Animation
Config.MenuOpenKey = 38 -- Key To Open Stance Menu, Visit here:
Config.Polyzone = {
-- Gabz Los Santos TunerShop Location
data = { id = "1" },
coords = vector3(124.47, -3047.29, 7.04),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 6.04,
maxZ = 8.84,
heading = 270.0,
-- Hayes Autos Location 1
data = { id = "2" },
coords = vector3(-1423.64, -450.21, 35.19),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 32.79,
maxZ = 36.79,
heading = 31.32,
-- Hayes Autos Location 2
data = { id = "3" },
coords = vector3(-1417.08, -446.44, 35.56),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 33.36,
maxZ = 37.36,
heading = 30.78,
-- Default Bennys Workshop Location
data = { id = "4" },
coords = vector3(-222.65, -1329.33, 30.54),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 28.14,
maxZ = 32.14,
heading = 268.87,
-- Gabz MRPD Police Station Location
data = { id = "5" },
coords = vector3(435.41, -975.99, 25.7),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 24.5,
maxZ = 27.1,
heading = 89.03,
-- AutoCare Mechanic Location
data = { id = "6" },
coords = vector3(-324.21, -138.46, 39.01),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 36.01,
maxZ = 40.01,
heading = 69.44,
-- Add more locations below
Config.Blips = {
Sprite = 545,
Display = 4,
Scale = 0.7,
Colour = 26,
Name = "Stance Station"
Config.WheelZones = {
-- Gabz Los Santos TunerShop Location
["wheel:zone1"] = {
coords = vector3(124.47, -3047.29, 7.54), -- vector3
heading = 270.0, -- heading
jobRequired = true, -- true/false if you need job check
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
price = 100 -- show blip or not
-- Hayes Autos Location 1
["wheel:zone2"] = {
coords = vector3(-1423.64, -450.21, 35.19),
heading = 31.32,
jobRequired = true,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
price = 100
-- Hayes Autos Location 2
["wheel:zone3"] = {
coords = vector3(-1417.08, -446.44, 35.56),
heading = 30.78,
jobRequired = true,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
price = 100
-- Default Bennys Workshop Location
["wheel:zone4"] = {
coords = vector3(-222.65, -1329.33, 30.54),
heading = 268.87,
jobRequired = true,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
price = 100
-- Mrpd Default Map Location
["wheel:zone5"] = {
coords = vector3(435.41, -975.99, 25.7),
heading = 89.03,
jobRequired = true,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
price = 100
-- AutoCare Mechanic Location
["wheel:zone6"] = {
coords = vector3(-324.21, -138.46, 39.01),
heading = 69.44,
jobRequired = true,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
price = 100
-- Add more locations below
config = {
maxLimits = {
fl = 1.0,
fr = 1.0,
rl = 1.0,
rr = 1.0,
flro = 0.5,
frro = 0.15,
rlro = 1.0,
rrro = 0.15,
size = 1.3,
susp = 1.0,
width = 1.5
minLimits = {
fl = -1.0,
fr = -1.0,
rl = -1.0,
rr = -1.0,
flro = -0.15,
frro = -1.0,
rlro = -0.15,
rrro = -1.0,
size = 0.0,
susp = -0.2,
width = 0.0
-- Blacklist Vehicle by Spawn Name !
Config.BlacklistedVehicles = {
-- Add vehicle spawn name to Blacklist them from usign the Stance Menu !
Config_RefreshTime = 1000 -- Dont Touch Unless you know what you are Doing !
Config.debugPoly = false -- Set to [True/False] to Show Created Zones !
Config.debug = false -- Set to [True/False] to Show debug Prints !
------- Core CONFIG
Config = Config or {}
Custom = {}
Menu = {}
Config.Core = {
gettingObjectName = "getSharedObject", -- the event name / export name for getting the core object.
core_resource_name = "es_extended" -- the core resource name.
Config.Locale = "en" -- Language.
Config.Notify = "okok" -- esx, okok.
function Custom:Notify(title, msgKey, cooldown, ntype)
local languageKey = Config.Locale or "en"
local translatedMessage = Translations[languageKey][msgKey] or Translations["en"][msgKey]
if Config.Notify == "esx" then -- ESX notification
elseif Config.Notify == "okok" then -- okok notification
exports['okokNotify']:Alert(title or "Title", translatedMessage, cooldown, ntype, false)
-- Add your notification export here and remove the below print
print("Unsupported Notify. Please define your notify export!")
------- Webhooks Logs
Config.EnableWebhooks = false
Config.Webhooks = {
-- Note: To add WebhookURL you need to open sv_webhook.lua file add it there !
HeaderImageURL = 'YOUR_IMAGE_LINK', -- If you Want Image Header For The Logs insert The URL
LogHeader = 'ESX WheelStancer Log', -- What Will be the Header Of Your logs
SubHeading = 'Player Info Who Used Stancer', -- SubHeading of the logs
EmbedColor = 'red', -- Choose from esx-wheelstance/server/sv-whebhook.lua
-- Menu Text Customization
Menu.heading = "6STR Tuner Shop"
Menu.subheading = "Adjust Wheel Stance"
-- SubMenu Text Customization
Menu.AllWheelsWidth = "All Wheels Width"
Menu.AllWheelsSize = "All Wheels Size"
Menu.SuspensionHeight = "Suspension Height"
Menu.WheelFrontLeftOffset = "Wheel Front Left Offset"
Menu.WheelFrontRightOffset = "Wheel Front Right Offset"
Menu.WheelRearLeftOffset = "Wheel Rear Left Offset"
Menu.WheelRearRightOffset = "Wheel Rear Right Offset"
Menu.WheelFrontLeftCamber = "Wheel Front Left Camber"
Menu.WheelFrontRightCamber = "Wheel Front Right Camber"
Menu.WheelRearLeftCamber = "Wheel Rear Left Camber"
Menu.WheelRearRightCamber = "Wheel Rear Right Camber"
-- Exit Menu Text Customization
Menu.exitConfirmation = "Confirm Exit"
Menu.HeadingSaveChanges = "Save Changes?"
Menu.GoBack = "Go Back"
Menu.SubHeadingSaveChanges = "Save Changes"
Config.Drawmarker = true -- true/false to View or Hide the Marker
Config.Draw3DText = false -- true/false to View or Hide the 3D Text
Config.MarkerText = "[E]- To Open Stance Menu"
Config.SetTextFont = 4 -- Ranges from 0 to 7
Config.MarkerType = 20 -- Vsist this Site to Change Marker Types []
-- Visit this site to Get your Color Red,Green,Blue,Alpha Values [] = 255 -- Red Color = 255 -- Green Color = 252 -- Blue Color
Config.alpha = 0.8 -- Alpha Color
Config.MarkerUpAndDown = true -- Marker Up and Down Animation
Config.MarkerRotate = true -- Marker Rotation Animation
Config.MenuOpenKey = 38 -- Key To Open Stance Menu, Visit here:
Config.Polyzone = {
-- Gabz Los Santos TunerShop Location
data = { id = "1" },
coords = vector3(124.47, -3047.29, 7.04),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 6.04,
maxZ = 8.84,
heading = 270.0,
-- Hayes Autos Location 1
data = { id = "2" },
coords = vector3(-1423.64, -450.21, 35.19),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 32.79,
maxZ = 36.79,
heading = 31.32,
-- Hayes Autos Location 2
data = { id = "3" },
coords = vector3(-1417.08, -446.44, 35.56),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 33.36,
maxZ = 37.36,
heading = 30.78,
-- Default Bennys Workshop Location
data = { id = "4" },
coords = vector3(-222.65, -1329.33, 30.54),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 28.14,
maxZ = 32.14,
heading = 268.87,
-- Gabz MRPD Police Station Location
data = { id = "5" },
coords = vector3(435.41, -975.99, 25.7),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 24.5,
maxZ = 27.1,
heading = 89.03,
-- AutoCare Mechanic Location
data = { id = "6" },
coords = vector3(-324.21, -138.46, 39.01),
length = 5.0,
width = 3.0,
minZ = 36.01,
maxZ = 40.01,
heading = 69.44,
-- Add more locations below
Config.Blips = {
Sprite = 545,
Display = 4,
Scale = 0.6,
Colour = 70,
Name = "Stance Station"
Config.WheelZones = {
-- Gabz Los Santos TunerShop Location
["wheel:zone1"] = {
coords = vector3(124.47, -3047.29, 7.54), -- vector3
heading = 270.0, -- heading
jobRequired = false, -- true/false if you need job check
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true, -- show blip or not
-- Hayes Autos Location 1
["wheel:zone2"] = {
coords = vector3(-1423.64, -450.21, 35.19),
heading = 31.32,
jobRequired = false,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
-- Hayes Autos Location 2
["wheel:zone3"] = {
coords = vector3(-1417.08, -446.44, 35.56),
heading = 30.78,
jobRequired = false,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
-- Default Bennys Workshop Location
["wheel:zone4"] = {
coords = vector3(-222.65, -1329.33, 30.54),
heading = 268.87,
jobRequired = false,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
-- Mrpd Default Map Location
["wheel:zone5"] = {
coords = vector3(435.41, -975.99, 25.7),
heading = 89.03,
jobRequired = false,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
-- AutoCare Mechanic Location
["wheel:zone6"] = {
coords = vector3(-324.21, -138.46, 39.01),
heading = 69.44,
jobRequired = false,
jobs = {
["mechanic"] = { 1, 2, 3 }, -- Job with grades 1, 2, and 3 allowed
["police"] = { 2, 3 }, -- Police with grades 2 and 3 allowed
blips = true,
-- Add more locations below
config = {
maxLimits = {
fl = 1.0,
fr = 1.0,
rl = 1.0,
rr = 1.0,
flro = 0.5,
frro = 0.15,
rlro = 1.0,
rrro = 0.15,
size = 1.3,
susp = 1.0,
width = 1.5
minLimits = {
fl = -1.0,
fr = -1.0,
rl = -1.0,
rr = -1.0,
flro = -0.15,
frro = -1.0,
rlro = -0.15,
rrro = -1.0,
size = 0.0,
susp = -0.2,
width = 0.0
-- Blacklist Vehicle by Spawn Name !
Config.BlacklistedVehicles = {
-- Add vehicle spawn name to Blacklist them from usign the Stance Menu !
Config_RefreshTime = 1000 -- Dont Touch Unless you know what you are Doing !
Config.debugPoly = false -- Set to [True/False] to Show Created Zones !
Config.debug = false -- Set to [True/False] to Show debug Prints !
Last updated